Tuesday, August 28, 2018

How to reduce the size of a photo file without reducing the resolution

This software serves to reduce the size of the photo file, but the resolution remains. If some time ago I shared how to reduce the size of a photo by reducing the resolution and the quality remains here, this time is the opposite, the resolution is fixed but the quality is reduced. The following is the appearance of the FREE software that I use:

For how to use it very easily, please pay attention to the picture below:

  1. Click the folder icon at the top to take photos that will be reduced in size.
  2. Set the quality to 50% (Adjust to your needs, the smaller the worse)
  3. Set the Output Folder again (The file size is minimized)
  4. Click the Compress button! to start the compression process.
  5. Wait until it's finished and no longer ... the file size will definitely be much reduced
 This is the example I tried, this is the size of the original photo:

From the picture above we can see the photo file size of 4.46 MB. Here's the size of the photo file after I compress:

Only 879 KB Very small isn't it ??? Oh yeah, actually, if you pay attention it won't look too different in quality, but I don't recommend this method in the photo file that will be used in graphic design because the resolution will be very influential when the image will be enlarged in the design later.

For those who want to try this software please download by clicking the link below:


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